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DEA Registration

BETA - Directory listing with Google Map for Domestic Energy Assessors

When you first log-in, be sure to complete your profile details carefully (click 'Edit Profile'). Some fields, filled incorrectly, will prevent public display.

Your location will be displayed on a Google Map for users to see how far you will travel.

User Details

Items marked by * are required.



Enter the word/number combination shown in the image below.

If you have trouble reading the code, click on the code itself to generate a new random code.


You should receive an email confirming your registration.

I may email you to inform about site changes which may affect your use. For instance, the directory listing feature is currently beta. I may email to inform you of a changed, removed, or additional feature that may concern you.

If there are any changes to the privacy policy, you will be informed before they become effective, and given the opportunity to remove your details.

No spam will be sent from this site.

Privacy - If you're worried, read it.


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Blog Posts:

More info on secret contracts between Landmark & CLG released
CLG forced to un-redact more details

EPCs lodged continue free-fall decline
EPCs registered in August plummet 22pc

EPCs lodged in May slide 15pc
And demand looks bleak going forward

Secret contracts to run EPC register revealed between Landmark and CLG
Non-Domestic and Domestic EPC register contracts redacted

Home Energy Advice: HEMS overview part 2
What next?

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