So you wanna be a HIP Provider!
Peter Ambrose - Managing Director, The Partnership Limited - exposes some of the real-world nitty-gritty challenges and pitfalls currently encountered within the HIP provision business.
Peter reveals how 75% of the work involved in providing HIPs is support-related and how a lack of knowledge surrounding the technicalities of their compilation could seriously undermine businesses providing them... particularly low-cost providers.
Listen (mp3): Peter Ambrose - The Partnership Ltd
He has strong thoughts on how the HIP should be acceptable to Solicitors and not merely meet statutory minimum requirements, reminding how the HIP is supposed to complete the bulk of the work upfront, rather than later - a problem some Solicitors (acting for buyer's) are experiencing because of incomplete or inadequate documentation.
An interesting insight into the practicalities of providing a HIP service that DEAs should not miss if they are considering entering this market.
Please note, The Partnership Ltd is no longer engaged with HIPs after they were "suspended" by the newly elected Conservative-led, LibDem coalition Government in May 2010; in keeping with a pledge made by the Conservative Party in its pre-election manifesto.
£150 HIPs - Are the margins enough to cope with volume?
Estate Agents weeding-out incompetent DEAs.
Habitus Adminstrators: B&C Associates, Trafalgar House, Grenville Place, Mill Hill, London NW7 3SA. Tel 020 8906 7730
Hear the definitive CPD guide for your accreditation scheme. As told by your accreditation scheme: CPD Guide for DEAs.
Posts: 4

Reply #2 on : Mon December 17, 2007, 15:28:19
Posts: 4

Reply #3 on : Thu December 20, 2007, 10:26:19
Posts: 4
Reply #1 on : Mon December 17, 2007, 13:52:56