Number Accredited: Domestic and Non-Domestic Energy Assessors
11,967 Domestic Energy Assessors, and 3,027 Non-Domestic Energy Assessors are currently accredited, according to latest CLG written answer.
Number of Accredited Energy Assessors and Certificates
The latest number of accredited Domestic Energy Assessors, Non-Domestic, On-Construction and DEC Assessors plus the total number of all certificates issued up to 04 November 2008
CLG Revise Accredited Non-Domestic Energy Assessor Numbers - Higher
The number of accredited non-domestic energy assessors on October 1st 2008 was not 471, as the CLG stated, but 751 - more than six times the forecasted numbers needed - according to an email John Morren received last week. As revealed here, 3000 NDEAs could soon flood the market in coming months - More numbers are inside.
Non Domestic Energy Assessor Numbers - Official Figures
Guest blog-post from John Morren who, following a successful appeal to have his Freedom of Information request to the CLG overturned, reveals the latest official numbers of accredited non-domestic energy assessors. Seems there is an imminent oversupply in the pipeline, again!