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Plus ça change, plus c’est la meme chose

Submitted by: MikeC (Admin) on 06-Jun-09 02:44:20 PM

Eight months into the job and Margaret Beckett calls time. Not because she has outgrown her job as housing minister. Nor because she has reversed the housing downturn or concluded the series of DEA Workshops initiated under her predecessor, Caroline Flint.

No, apparently it’s because she was not offered a promotion to the cabinet.

Thanks Margaret – not that you’ll be missed; your former position might as well never have existed for all the interest that you and those before you have shown in this industry.

The reason given for your resignation serves only to highlight how disinterested you were in your huge portfolio of responsibilities - too big for one person, I agree.

All the more reason why there’s no room for ‘careerists’ such as yourself, willing only to give it just eight months before your thirst for promotion runs dry.

I dunno, there was a time when most people in politics regarded it as a vocation. They are still out there but sadly crowded out by money-grabbing “weather cocks”, as Tony Benn eloquently puts it.

So now we must get to know yet another minister, John Healey – the fifth in just over two years. But with less than a year before a general election – assuming Gordon Brown lasts that long – is it worth it?

Why not just promote Iain Wright? He surely has a much better grasp of the department than any surviving MP.

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Posts: 1
Reply #1 on : Mon June 15, 2009, 10:46:25
The life span of a Housing Minister is not a long one. John Healey becomes the ninth since Labour took power. The last three lasted 211 days 254 days and 246 days respectively.

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